Summary of Qualifications
- Research experience in clinical epidemiology, economic evaluations, applied econometrics.
- Proficient in Python, and R, STATA
- Team player, dedicated, and driven
- 10+ years of playing a competitive sport
- 2021 - 2022
- MSc, Health Services Research (Health Economics); University of
Toronto (Ontario, Canada)
Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation
Thesis: Effect of Spinal Cord Injuries on Work and Earnings
- 2016 - 2020
- HBSc, Global Health; University of
Toronto (Ontario, Canada)
Minor: Statistics, Economics
Research Experience
Research Assistant, May 2020 - current: St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON
Currently performing research in clinical epidemiology examining different cohorts of patients with spinal chord injuries
Performing data analysis with R, SAS
Using statistical analysis techniques such as linear mixed modeling
Research Intern, Sept 2020 - May 2021: Amsterdam Medical Center, Amsterdam, NL
Performing research in social epidemology examining the ‘driveability’ index.
Relevant work performed in ArcGIS, python, R.
Research Assistant, Sept 2019 - August 2020: Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Toronto, ON
Contributed to a project in spatial epidemiology examining greenness accessibility and distribution within Ontario
Expected to produce a journal publication summarizing our results
Performing data analysis with Python, R, ArcGIS, SPSS
Work/Industry Experience
Teaching Assistant, Jan 2022 - May 2022: Department of Statistical Sciences, Toronto, ON
- Led discussion groups weekly, assisted with office hours,and marked problem sets and final exams.
Teaching Assistant, Jan 2022 - May 2022: Department of Human Biology, Toronto, ON
- Guided students to complete tutorial exercises, assisted with office hours,and marked projects, case reports, and final exams.
Data Delivery Intern, Dec 2020 - May 2021: Dashmote, Amsterdam, NL
Hired to assist with the data pipeline to ensure accurate timing and execution of data visualization dashboard to client.
Tested over 10 hypotehsis to improve their ML algorithms in small, controlled experiments.
Completing relevant analysis work in Python.
Business Analyst, Sept 2019 - Jan 2020: iMerciv, Toronto, ON
Created an interview script to interview over 200 people to determine a minimum viable market for their developing navigational app
Developed marketing strategies for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.
Peer Mentor, Sept 2018 - Dec 2020: Department of Statistical Sciences, Toronto, ON
Mentored first year students who intend to study statistics to help them succeed in a new academic environment.
Organized at least 1 social event per semester and connected students with resources to aid them in their transition to Toronto.
Aided the new team of mentors on their transition to an online platform.
Technical Experience
- Programming Languages
- R: including ShinyApps, creating this website, and well versed in data cleaning with Tidyverse
- Python: pandas/Matplotlib, including using API’s to download information
- ArcGIS / QGIS: including integrating to Python / R scripts to perform geospatial analysis
- STATA: High proficiency implementing various econometric methodology
- NCWP Most Valuable Goalie (2017, 2018, 2019)
- Selected to compete with Team Canada at FISU in Naples, Italy, where I helped the team place 4th overall.
- 2x nominated for the Frank Pindar Athlete of the Year (2017-2018, 2018-2019)
- Frank Pindar Athlete of the Year (2019-2020)
- Second overall at U of T datafest - Project & Details of competiton